Welcome to the Michigan Referee Program Registration Page

This page will help you and guide you to the correct course so that you can complete your registration as a soccer referee for 2021 without any issues. As you move through these pages, you will be asked questions. Based on your answers it will guide you to your certification or recertification course. As summary of the 2021 Requirements:

  • All referees MUST access the U.S. Soccer Learning Center and “Sign Up” or “Log In” to create a Referee profile. https://learning.ussoccer.com/referee
  • For new referees, (must be 13 years old), this process will guide you to US Soccer Learning Center to complete the Grassroots online training. https://learning.ussoccer.com/referee/courses/available/6/details/438

  • Use the same email and name that you have previously used for prior years registration. The new U.S. Soccer database will migrate your existing certifications to your new profile.
  • If you are 18 years of age or older you will also need to complete SafeSport Training, also located at the US Soccer Learning center. https://learning.ussoccer.com/referee/courses/available/21/details/905

  • After completing the US Soccer training and uploading certificate(s), you will have to log in to michiganrefs.gameofficials.net and create your own profile.Michigan Referee Program uses this program to complete registrations and most assignors use it to assign games.
  • If you were not certified in 2020, you will be charged $67.50 for the Referee Registration and guided to complete online modules. Because we cannot hold in-person sessions due to the current world situation, after you complete the online modules, you will receive a referee badge.
  • For current 2020 certified grassroots and regional referees, all modules will be online.
  • Those referees that did not recertify in 2020 but want to recertify will also have to complete online modules.
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